Consultations good but ultimate responsibility lies with Renzi
- Rome, March 24 - Premier Matteo Renzi's government intends to
consult before labour market reforms are implemented, but it will
ultimately do what is necessary, Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti
said Monday. "It is our intention to meet and discuss, but in
the end the government will decide," what course of action to
take, Poletti said in an interview with Rai radio.
As labour minister, Poletti said his role will involve discussions with "social partners" including union leaders, but he said the government will have final say. One day earlier, Renzi described criticisms from senior union officials, including Susanna Camusso, general secretary of the CGIL union, as well as from Giorgio Squinzi, the head of leading business organization Confindustria, against his government's actions as those of an "odd couple". Unions have condemned a decree extending the limit for temporary labour contracts from one year to three years, described as a central part of Renzi's so-called Jobs Act to simplify labour regulations and reduce the current plethora of different contracts and benefits available.
Poletti also reiterated the government's idea of introducing a single form of labour contract that could be applied across the country, which Camusso has said her union is willing is discuss - but only if the decree is scrapped. All parties must accept changes at a difficult time for Italy and no one can get everything they ask for, said Poletti. "If you are dissatisfied with a little here and a little over there, then we did well," he said.
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