
mercoledì 26 marzo 2014

Right-wing anti-Obama posters appear in Rome

Organizations blame US for economic crisis, side with Putin

(ANSA) - Rome, March 26 - Pro-Russia, anti-United States posters signed by right-wing associations appeared in Rome Wednesday ahead of a visit by US President Barack Obama, who lands at Fiumicino airport later in the day.

"Rome is with Putin. Obama unwelcome guest," read the posters, referring to friction over Russia's annexation of Crimea.

''Obama symbolizes the worst American imperialism. To those who would demonize Putin, we answer that Europe is still occupied by more than 110,000 American soldiers and 170 American bases. Europe has no say in its foreign policy outside of what NATO dictates. The economic crisis is the price paid for submission to the American economic model'', the organizations said in a communique.

It was signed by Roma Nord, Movimento Sociale Europeo, Contro Tempo, XX Flotta, Comunità Militante Formello, Ostia. The city authority quickly set about removing the posters.

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